What is TCS gap Affidavit?
TCS gap affidavit for education or career is required to submit to the TCS authority before joining.
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Where Can I found TCS gap affidavit format?
Dont Worry! We have the exact format for TCS gap Affidavit. It is online and you can view or Download in PDF format. For the Privacy and security reason we cannot share the final copy of gap affidavit format for TCS. Please remember this is only a template and for the indication purpose only, final copy will be different.
When to submit TCS Career Gap Affidavit?
- It is mandatory to declare the gaps, if any, during your academic and/or work experience. Break in education should not be due to extended education. Any break in education/work experience should not exceed 24 months and is permissible only for valid reasons. Relevant document proof, as applicable, will be checked for gaps in education.
- Only Full time courses will be considered (Part Time/Correspondence courses will not be considered).
When to submit TCS Education Gap Affidavit?
- If the employee has a gap in education for a period of six or more months, then the employee is required to submit a GAP certificate that is notarized , made on a Rs. 100 Non Judicial stamp paper states the employee’s name, year of GAP and the reason for GAP.
- In case of medical reasons, copy of the medical certificate attested by a gazetted officer must be attached to the affidavit. GAP Affidavit is to be made in English and the original is to be submitted along with the BGC form at the time of joining.
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What will be Stamp Duty for TCS Gap Affidavit?
TCS education gap affidavit or Career gap Affidavit needs to be printed on Rs. 100 Non-Judicial Stamp paper.
Is Notarization Mandatory for TCS education Gap Affidavit?
Yes! It is required. Every education Gap Affidavit or Career gap Affidavit of Tata Consultancy Service (TCS) needs to be Notarized with Notarial Stamps and Red Ink Rubber Stamps with red emblem duly Signed of a Notary Public with an identified Lawyer. Notary Public will issue a serial number and it will be mentioned in the top of the document.
How to Create TCS Gap Affidavit Online?
You are at the exact place. We have highly technical and super interactive tool from where you can create Gap Affidavit for TCS online sitting at your convenience place. This take not more than 8 minutes to complete the whole process.

Create TCS Gap Affidavit online through very east Steps. Just Fill the form and make payment rest leave it to us. You can come to our office or we can ship to your address.
What information is required to create gap Affidavit Online?
Father’s Name / Legal guardian Name
Gap Period/s
Reason for Gaps
How do we Ship Documents?
We have partnership with multiple shipping vendors, so reachability is not an issue for us. You can order it from anywhere in India.
How does it Work?

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